Webinar: Using ILO SDMX tools for data preparation and modelling for the .Stat Suite

The International Labour Organization (ILO) proposes the .Stat Suite as the core platform for the implementation of Labour Market Information System (LMIS) in its member states. The OECD-led Statistical Information System Collaboration Community (SIS-CC) .Stat Academy initiative, will host a webinar on Wednesday, 19 October 2022, 13h (1PM) CEST that will explore how the ILO […]

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Luxembourg launches new statistics portal innovating data publication and use

The National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies of Luxembourg (STATEC) unveiled Statistiques.lu, Luxembourg’s new and redesigned statistics portal, supporting more user-friendly search, access to and use of official statistics on Luxembourg. The portal offers a single point of access to publications and figures on topics such as population and employment, social conditions, economy and […]

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Statistics Canada joins the Community

The Community is very pleased to welcome Statistics Canada as the newest member. “Joining this global community with common goals, a passion for open standards and sharing similar needs around the production of official statistics, allows our organisation to benefit from international collaboration and co-development, while contributing to this great community.” Cory Chobanik, Director of […]

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Cloud technology and community advanced SDG data dissemination in Cambodia

To implement data dissemination and reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals using latest good practices, the National Institute of Statistics of Cambodia successfully leveraged the open-source data platform .Stat Suite, the global data exchange standard SDMX and the power of the Statistical Information System Collaboration Community. Building on this example, national, regional and global partners […]

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