Governance & funding

The community is guided by an overarching governance providing mechanisms to pool resources and ensure alignment to each organisation’s strategic directions and the wider international initiatives, organised along three distinct levels:

The Strategic Level Group (SLG) comprises senior executives from each SIS-CC member organisation steering the Community, confirming the high-level priorities and committing resources to the project.

The Management Level Group (MLG) comprises senior managers appointed by member organisations. Prioritising .Stat Suite product development through an ongoing, transparent and fair process is the key MLG task.

The Architecture Task Force (ATF) comprises experts appointed by member organisations to drive the business and technical architecture of the .Stat Suite, and present it to MLG for sign off.

Tier Membership schema

The platform is co-produced by core members (Tier 1) through resources pooling and knowledge sharing, retaining the existing governance mechanisms.

The continued adoption and growth beyond core members, is to benefit Tier 2 organisations, supported either by a Tier 1 member, or by a technology partner.

The governance is augmented with a technology partners programme to develop .Stat Suite services (hosting, integration, support), and make it accessible to a larger audience of Tier 2 organisations that are not core members.