The SIS-CC Newsletter – June 2022

The June issue of the new SIS-CC newsletter zooms in on the Asia-Pacific SDG Gateway run by UN ESCAP and providing access to more than 1,000 datasets on the SDGs in the region. Further, it highlights Cambodia’s path towards digital transformation and a more user-centred data dissemination with a new official data portal built on […]

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Webinar: Community to present lessons learned in user-centred software development

Software is everywhere in today’s digital-first world—and this is certainly true for statistical offices and central banks. Yet for software-based digital products to thrive, they must remain tailored closely to important user needs, which are constantly evolving. Building reliable, software-based digital products that evolve in tandem with user needs requires a user-centered paradigm that departs […]

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The SIS-CC Newsletter – February 2022

The February issue of the SIS-CC newsletter zooms in on the first Labour Market Information System launched in the Central American region with support from the International Labour Organization and .Stat Suite technology. Further, it features past and upcoming webinars on the topic of data dissemination in Asia-Pacific and the findings of a new global […]

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El Salvador pioneers Labour Market Information System in the region

In December 2021, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of El Salvador launched SIMEL, the first Labour Market Information System (LMIS) in the Central American region and second of its kind in the Latin American region. SIMEL, with .Stat Suite at its core, responds to the need to overcome the statistical gap in labour […]

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What does digital technology mean for data dissemination in Ghana?

National statistical offices have experienced significant changes in recent years, urging them to re-think the way they collect, manage and disseminate data. Information technology (IT) has played a critical role in helping to save time, improve accuracy, and enhance access to their products. Yet, the move from a paper-based to a fully digital system requires […]

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