Pacific Data Hub Data Explorer

The Statistics for Development Division of the Pacific Community (SPC) has launched the Pacific Data Hub, providing access to a large number of indicators on different topics (including SDGs) from across the region. The flagship component of the Pacific Hub is PDH.Stat, based on the .Stat Suite Data Explorer, developed under the umbrella of the SIS-CC and SDD secretariat. To support their user community, […]

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Setting up the .Stat Suite is greatly simplified

The Community has been working hard to ease the installation of the .Stat Suite, not only through improved documentation, but also example files that can be executed with just a few commands to stand up an instance of the .Stat Suite in a matter of minutes. Using simply the Docker-Compose start and stop instructions as detailed here, the out-of-the-box demo […]

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UNESCAP adopts .Stat Suite for its regional data hub

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) has launched the Asia-Pacific SDG Gateway with a wealth of data, statistics and analysis in the region. The portal’s centerpiece is the data dissemination platform SDG Gateway Data Explorer based on the .Stat Suite. Dayyan Shayani, Associate Statistician at UNESCAP and project […]

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