The Community hosted its 9th annual workshop over two and a half days, from 17-19 June 2019, when more than 90 participants from 40 different organisations came together for the official launch, in open source, the .Stat Suite, a native SDMX modular set of components that aims to progressively cover the full data lifecycle (GSBPM: Design; Collect; Process; Analyse; Disseminate).
This high level of interest demonstrates the greater demand and increased importance of the collaboration on statistical activities between statistical organisations, both at national and international levels, which is central to the Community and its strategy.
The first two and a half days, as with the previous workshops (held in March 2011, March 2012, April 2013, April 2014, March 2015, April 2016, April 2017 and April 2018), were open sessions and the OECD extended the invitation to interested groups and organisations who have been considering using .Stat Suite for their own organisation, or interested in becoming part of and contributing to the open source community, and who share similar objectives.
Day 1 (17 June), took place at the OECD Conference Centre in Boulogne, France, with days 2 and 3 (18-19 June) taking place at Station F, the largest start-up hub in the world and the center for the French Government push to make France the global leader in tech and innovation.

Presentations from day 1
Presentation | Recording Community Vision – The journey so far and looking ahead to the next 5-years by Jonathan Challener, OECD
Presentation | Recording What is the SDMX Toolkit by Alvaro Diez-Soto, Eurostat
Presentation | Recording .Stat Suite Open Source test run by Jens Dossé, OECD
Presentation | Recording Hub of Public Statistics – Connecting and visualising multiple SDMX sources by Francesco Rizzo, ISTAT
Presentation | Recording Leveraging APIs for a WordPress .Stat Suite integration by Yves Jaques, UNICEF
Presentation | Recording Building an SDG Dashboard using Drupal and dotStat Suite by Phil Bright, SPC
Presentation | Recording Implementation of new statistical dissemination infrastructure by Fadhila Najah, INS Tunisia
Presentation | Recording A point in time release by Jeremy Michell, ABS
Presentation | Recording Principles and Guidelines for National Reporting Platforms by Abdulla Gozalov, UNSD and Samrith Chan, NIS Cambodia
Presentation | Recording .Stat Suite for Labour Statistics dissemination and reporting by Edgardo Greising, ILO, and Alberto Lagos, INE Chile
Presentations and recordings from day 2:
Presentation New approaches to data modelling by Francesco Rizzo ISTAT, and David Baraclough, OECD
Presentation Design thinking workshop by Fabernovel, and Jens Dossé, OECD
Presentation Migrating to the .Stat Suite by Edgardo Greising, ILO, and Gyorgy Gyomai, OECD
Presentation | Recording Introduction to .Stat Suite Open Source Framework by Nicolas Briemant, RedPelicans
Presentation | Recording The many deployment options for .Stat Suite by Yves Jaques, UNICEF
Presentation Get started with SDMX Source projects by Aleksei Arhipov and Marco Oksman, OECD
Presentation | Recording Solr Optimisations by Fabrizio Celli, UNICEF
Presentation | Recording .Stat Suite Architecture – a look at the key non-functional topics by Jens Dossé, OECD
Recordings from day 3:
Presentation | Recording Data Flow Assessment Framework – panel discussion moderated by Rajiv Ranjan, PARIS21

Discover the workshop through a collection of photos taken over the two and half days.
A full highlights report will be published at a later date.