SPC and OECD meet at the UNSC50

March 5, 2019

SPC and OECD meet at the UNSC50

Martine Durand – OECD Chief Statistician and Director of Statistics and Data Directorate, and Ofa Afuha’amango Ketu’u – Director for the Statistics for Development Division, Pacific Community, took a moment during their busy schedules at the 50th UN Statistical Commission (UNSC) to discuss the ongoing collaboration.

SPC, the newest member of the Community, are working closely with the OECD and wider Community in the creation of an SDG specific reporting platform.

This important project will allow five Pacific member countries to get their SDG indicators published and disseminated via the Pacific SDGs Dashboard ahead of them presenting their Voluntary National Reviews (VNR) to the HLPF in New York in July 2019.